/* * # RTE.default.contentCSS = fileadmin/layout/flra/2rte.css <-- don't forget! * * $Id$ * coding: utf-8 (äöü), tab:4 * */ ## Anchor classes configuration for use by the anchor accesibility feature (htmlArea RTE only) RTE.classesAnchor { externalLink { class = external-link type = url image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/external_link.gif altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:external_link_altText titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:external_link_titleText } externalLinkInNewWindow { class = external-link-new-window type = url image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/external_link_new_window.gif altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:external_link_new_window_altText titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:external_link_new_window_titleText } internalLink { class = internal-link type = page image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/internal_link.gif altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_altText titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_titleText } internalLinkInNewWindow { class = internal-link-new-window type = page image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/internal_link_new_window.gif altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_new_window_altText titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_new_window_titleText } download { class = download type = file image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/download.gif altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:download_altText titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:download_titleText } mail { class = mail type = mail image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/mail.gif altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:mail_altText titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:mail_titleText } } ## Define labels and styles to be applied to class selectors in the interface of the RTE ## Partial re-use of color scheme and frame scheme from CSS Styled Content extension RTE.classes { # csc-frame-frame1 { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:frame-frame1 # value = background-color: #EDEBF1; border: 1px solid #333333; # } # csc-frame-frame2 { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:frame-frame2 # value = background-color: #F5FFAA; border: 1px solid #333333; # } # important { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:important # value = color: #8A0020; # } # name-of-person { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:name-of-person # value = color: #10007B; # } # detail { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:detail # value = color: #186900; # } # component-items { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:component-items # value = color: #186900; # } # action-items { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:action-items # value = color: #8A0020; # } # component-items-ordered { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:component-items # value = color: #186900; # } # action-items-ordered { # name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:action-items # value = color: #8A0020; # } zebra-rows { name = Zebra rows alternating.rows { startAt = 1 oddClass = odd evenClass = even oddHeaderClass = odd evenHeaderClass = even } } zebra-columns { name = Zebra columns alternating.columns { startAt = 1 oddClass = odd evenClass = even oddHeaderClass = odd evenHeaderClass = even } } align-left { name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/locallang_tooltips.xml:justifyleft name = Pos: linksbündig value = text-align: left; } align-center { name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/locallang_tooltips.xml:justifycenter name = Pos: zentriert value = text-align: center; } align-right { name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/locallang_tooltips.xml:justifyright name = Pos: rechtsbündig value = text-align: right; } align-justify { name = Pos: <- Blocksatz -> value = text-align: center; } red-1 { name = Rot 1 value = color: #954a4e; } red-2 { name = Rot 2 value = color: #720E14; } red-3 { name = Rot 3 value = color: #560b0f; } black-1 { name = Schwarz 1 value = color: #000; } black-2 { name = Schwarz 2 value = color: #303030; } black-3 { name = Schwarz 3 value = color: #6e6e6e; } col-11 { name = Farbe 11 value = color: #586457; } col-12 { name = Farbe 12 value = color: #213120; } col-13 { name = Farbe 13 value = color: #192518; } col-21 { name = Farbe 21 value = color: #acb1a5; } col-22 { name = Farbe 22 value = color: #919887; } col-23 { name = Farbe 23 value = color: #6d7266; } col-31 { name = Farbe 31 value = color: #dbe0d2; } col-32 { name = Farbe 32 value = color: #cfd6c3; } col-33 { name = Farbe 33 value = color: #9ca193; } indent-2em { name = Einrückung 2 em value = margin-left: 2em; } indent-4em { name = Einrückung 4 em value = margin-left: 4em; } margin-050em { name = Rand o+u 0.5em value = margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: .5em; } margin-100em { name = Rand o+u 1.0em value = margin-top: 1.0em; margin-bottom: 1.0em; } margin-150em { name = Rand o+u 1.5em value = margin-top: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; } size-075 { name = Größe 075% value = font-size: 75%; } size-088 { name = Größe 088% value = font-size: 87.50%; } size-100 { name = Größe 100% value = font-size: 100%; } size-112 { name = Größe 112% value = font-size: 112.5%; } size-125 { name = Größe 125% value = font-size: 125%; } size-075em { name = Größe 0.75 em value = font-size: 75%; } size-100em { name = Größe 1.00 em value = font-size: 100%; } size-125em { name = Größe 1.25 em value = font-size: 125%; } bg-1 { name = Hintergrund 1 value = background-color: #f0f0f0; } bg-2 { name = Hintergrund 2 value = background-color: #e0e0e0; } bg-3 { name = Hintergrund 3 value = background-color: #d0d0d0; } bg-99 { name = Hintergrund 99 value = background-color: #e0e0e0; } huge { name = Riesig value = font-size: 3em; } top-margin-0 { name = Kein Abstand oben value = } bottom-margin-0 { name = Kein Abstand unten value = } left-margin-0 { name = Kein Abstand links value = } right-margin-0 { name = Kein Abstand rechts value = } box-1 { name = Kasten 1 value = background-color: #f0f0f0; border: 1px solid #d0d0d0; padding: 1em; } box-2 { name = Kasten 2 value = background-color: #e0e0e0; border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; padding: 1em; } box-3 { name = Kasten 3 value = background-color: #d0d0d0; border: 1px solid #b0b0b0; padding: 1em; } ff-1 { name = Schrift 1 value = font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:16px; } ff-2 { name = Schrift 2 value = font-family:Georgia,"Times New Roman",Times,serif; font-size:16px; } lh-0 { name = Zeilenhöhe 1.0 value = line-height:1.0; } lh-1 { name = Zeilenhöhe 1.2 value = line-height:1.2; } lh-2 { name = Zeilenhöhe 1.4 value = line-height:1.4; value = margin-top:0.2em; margin-bottom:0.2em; } lh-3 { name = Zeilenhöhe 1.8 value = line-height:1.8; value = margin-top:0.4em; margin-bottom:0.4em; } line-height-2em { name = Zeilenhöhe 2.0em value = margin-top:0.5em; margin-bottom:0.5em; } csc-linkToTop { name = Absatztyp „nach oben“ value = text-align: right; } } RTE.default { hidePStyleItems = pre, address enableWordClean = 1 removeTrailingBR = 1 removeComments = 1 removeTags = center, o:p, sdfield removeTags = center, font, o:p, sdfield, strike, u removeTagsAndContents = link, meta, script, style, title removeTagsAndContents = link, meta, script, title ## erlaube

// proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags.p.allowedAttribs := addToList(style) // proc.keepPDIVattribs := addToList(style) // ## Allow img tags // proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags.img > // // ## Allow style attribute // proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags { // p.allowedAttribs := addToList(style) // span.fixAttrib.style.unset > // } showButtons = * showButtons ( formatblock, blockstylelabel, blockstyle, space, textstylelabel, textstyle, linebreak, bar, bold, italic, subscript, superscript, unorderedlist, orderedlist, definitionlist, definitionitem, outdent, indent, bar, insertcharacter, link, unlink, image, table, toggleborders, bar, findreplace, removeformat, chMode, undo, redo, about, bar, tableproperties, tablerestyle, bar, rowproperties, rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit, bar, columnproperties, columninsertbefore, columninsertafter, columndelete, columnsplit, bar, cellproperties, cellinsertbefore, cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge ) hideButtons ( inserttag, user, spellcheck, ) keepButtonGroupTogether = 1 showStatusBar = 1 inlineStyle.text-alignment > inlineStyle.frames > inlineStyle.ul > inlineStyle.ol > inlineStyle.inline-text > inlineStyle.accessibility > inlineStyle.indentation > ## Use stylesheet file rather than the above mainStyleOverride and inlineStyle properties to style the contents (htmlArea RTE only) ## When RTE.default.contentCSS is not specified, file EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcsss/default.css is used. ignoreMainStyleOverride = 1 // ## For this demo, do not remove font, strike and u tags // proc.entryHTMLparser_db.removeTags := removeFromList(font,strike,u) classesParagraph > classesTable > classesTD > classesLinks > classesCharacter > classesAnchor = external-link, external-link-new-window, internal-link, internal-link-new-window, download, mail classesAnchor.default { page = page = internal-link url = url = external-link-new-window file = file = download mail = mail = mail } ## Show all applicable class selectors available in the style sheet file (htmlArea RTE only) ## No! showTagFreeClasses = 0 // default class for indentation ('indent') buttons.indent.useClass = indent-2em // not recommended, see: http://lists.netfielders.de/pipermail/typo3-project-rte/2009-January/001675.html buttons.table.enableHandles = 0 ## Tabellenkram hideTableOperationsInToolbar = 1 buttons.toggleborders.keepInToolbar = 1 buttons.toggleborders.setOnTableCreation = 1 # buttons.table.removeFieldsets = alignment, borders, color, description, layout, spacing, style # buttons.table.removeFieldsets = description disableAlignmentFieldsetInTableOperations = 1 disableBordersFieldsetInTableOperations = 1 disableColorFieldsetInTableOperations = 1 disableLayoutFieldsetInTableOperations = 1 disableSpacingFieldsetInTableOperations = 1 ## Keine th zellen vorschlagen # buttons.table.properties.headers.defaultValue = none buttons.formatblock.orderItems = p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, pre, address, blockquote, div ## set order AND (!) disable buttons.formatblock.orderItems = p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, div, pre, address, blockquote // ## Configuration specific to the inserttag button or QuickTag feature (htmlArea RTE only) // ## Do not allow insertion of the following tags // buttons.inserttag.denyTags = font, underline, strike, table ## Configuration specific to the bold and italic buttons (htmlArea RTE only) ## Add hotkeys associated with bold, italic, strikethrough and underline buttons buttons.bold.hotKey = b buttons.italic.hotKey = i // buttons.strikethrough.hotKey = s // buttons.underline.hotkey = u // ## Configuration specific to the spellcheck button or SpellCheck feature (htmlArea RTE only) // ## Enable the use of personal dictionaries // enablePersonalDicts = 1 toolbarOrder ( formatblock, blockstylelabel, blockstyle, space, textstylelabel, textstyle, linebreak, bar, bold, italic, subscript, superscript, unorderedlist, orderedlist, definitionlist, definitionitem, outdent, indent, bar, insertcharacter, user, link, unlink, image, table, toggleborders, rowproperties, bar, findreplace, spellcheck, removeformat, inserttag, chMode, undo, redo, about, linebreak, formattext, emphasis, big, small, strong, insertedtext, deletedtext, citation, code, definition, keyboard, monospaced, quotation, sample, variable, bidioverride, strikethrough, underline, span, bar, fontstyle, space, fontSize, blockquote, insertparagraphbefore, insertparagraphafter, lefttoright, righttoleft, left, center, right, justifyfull, bar, textcolor, bgcolor, textindicator, bar, emoticon, line, acronym, bar, bar, bar, copy, cut, paste, bar, bar, showhelp,linebreak, tableproperties, tablerestyle, rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit, bar, columnproperties, columninsertbefore, columninsertafter, columndelete, columnsplit, bar, cellproperties, cellinsertbefore, cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge ) ## mb, 2009-06-26 #################################################### ignoreMainStyleOverride = 1 contentCSS = fileadmin/to-be-set-in-pageTS.css contentCSS = fileadmin/layout/flra/2rte.css // RTE.default { ## magic, plain, useDAMColumn ... buttons.image.options.magic.maxWidth = 353 buttons.image.options.magic.maxHeight = 2000 buttons.image.options.plain.maxWidth = 353 buttons.image.options.plain.maxHeight = 2000 buttons.image.options.dragdrop.maxWidth = 353 buttons.image.options.dragdrop.maxHeight= 2000 // } ## DAM usage # RTE.default.buttons.image.title.useDAMColumn = name-of-any-dam-column } ## Use same processing as on entry to database to clean content pasted into the editor RTE.default.enableWordClean.HTMLparser < RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db ## front end RTE configuration (htmlArea RTE only) RTE.default.FE < RTE.default RTE.default.FE.FE > RTE.default.FE.userElements > RTE.default.FE.userLinks > ## tt_content TCEFORM configuration. Let's use all the space available for more comfort. TCEFORM.tt_content.bodytext.RTEfullScreenWidth = 100% RTE.mutuallyExclusiveClasses { 10 = red-1, red-2, red-3, black-1, black-2, black-3, col-11, col-12, col-13, col-21, col-22, col-23, col-31, col-32, col-33 30 = indent-2em, indent-4em 40 = borders-1, borders-2 50 = margin-050em, margin-100em, margin-150em 70 = huge, size-075, size-088, size-100, size-112, size-125,size-075em, size-100em, size-125em 80 = box-1, box-2, box-3 90 = bg-1, bg-2, bg-3, bg-99 100 = ff-1, ff-2 110 = odd, even 120 = zebra-rows, zebra-cols 130 = lh-0,lh-1, lh-2, lh-3, line-height-2em } RTE.default.proc.allowedClasses ( ## List all class selectors that are allowed on the way to the database /* NO!: normal */ align-left, align-center, align-right, align-justify, external-link, external-link-new-window, internal-link, internal-link-new-window, download, mail, even, odd, zebra-rows, zebra-cols, indent-2em, indent-4em, line-height-2em, top-margin-0, bottom-margin-0, right-margin-0, left-margin-0, margin-050em, margin-100em, margin-150em, red-1, red-2, red-3, black-1, black-2, black-3, col-11, col-12, col-13, col-21, col-22, col-23, col-31, col-32, col-33, bg-1, bg-2, bg-3, bg-99, huge, size-075, size-088, size-100, size-112, size-125,size-075em, size-100em, size-125em, box-1, box-2, box-3, width-100, ff-1, ff-2, lh-0, lh-1, lh-2, lh-3 )