plugin.tt_news {

    # cat=plugin.tt_news//900; type=int; label= Event date correction: A number of seconds (positive or negative value) to add or subtract from the displayed time.
  mbl_newsevent.dateCorrect = 0
    # cat=plugin.tt_news/file/900; type=file[html,htm,tmpl,txt]; label= Event Template File: News Event template file. See EXT:mbl_newsevent/event_template.tmpl for an example.
  mbl_newsevent.templateFile = EXT:mbl_newsevent/event_template.tmpl
    # cat=plugin.tt_news/typo/900; type=text; label= Event Date Format: The format event dates are shown in.
  mbl_newsevent.date_stdWrap.strftime = %x
    # cat=plugin.tt_news/typo/901; type=text; label= Event Time Format: The format event times are shown in.
  mbl_newsevent.time_stdWrap.strftime = %H:%M
    # cat=plugin.tt_news/typo/902; type=wrap; label= Event Location Wrap: This wrap is used for the Event Location information.
  mbl_newsevent.where_stdWrap.wrap = |
    # cat=plugin.tt_news/typo/903; type=wrap; label= Event Organizer Wrap: This wrap is used for the Event Organizer.
  mbl_newsevent.organizer_stdWrap.wrap = |
    # cat=plugin.tt_news//901; type=boolean; label= Show Event Organizer E-mail: Toggles showing the Event Organizer's e-mail address in listings.
  mbl_newsevent.showOrganizerEmail = 1
  # cat=plugin.tt_news/typo/900; type=text; label= Which page should links in the date selector point to?
  mbl_newsevent.dateSelTypoLink.parameter = 

# These are the default TS-constants for ICS feed from mbl_newsevent

plugin.tt_news {

    # cat=plugin.tt_news//1000; type=text; label= From Date: Defines start date for ICS feed. See: for more info about the date format.
  mbl_newsevent.ics.from = 1 year ago
    # cat=plugin.tt_news//1001; type=text; label= To Date: Defines end date for ICS feed. See: for more info about the date format. = 1 year
    # cat=plugin.tt_news//1002; type=text; label= ICS File Name: The name of the file downloaded from the ICS feed.
  mbl_newsevent.ics.fileName = Event Calendar.ics